Monday, March 30, 2009

25 Things About Me

1.I have a freckle on the tip of my nose which people like to point out....I have one on the side of my right boob aswell, I have a birth mark above that boob aswell.
2.Every day the first thing I do when I come home from school is read the problem pages in the newspapers.
3.I actually do care about things, I just pretend I don't because I know I won't do well in them so making people think I don't care seems like a better idea.
4.I'm single and I hate it! But whenever I come close to being in a relationship I do something to not get involved in one.
5.I trust very few people.
6.I have a phobia of sleeping with the door open and the wardrope door left open.
7.I hate school with a passion, I actually dread going to it everyday, I can't wait until I'm finished for good.
8.Honestly, my mam is my best friend, I can talk to her about anything, I honestly don't know what i'd do without her, I love her more than anything.
9.I hate sooo many people it's unbelievable, I'm probably one of the bitchiest people ever and i'll probably hate you for no reason at all, but when I say I love someone I really mean it.
10.I am a very jealous person, even the littlest things will make me jealous.
11.I'd pick a night in with a friend a bottle of wine and a collection of old songs over a night out in the pub with lots of people.
12. Sarah made me write this....and I really don't know why because I don't even know to write about myself, its not like anyone would be interested....I honestly thing i'm such a boring person, I swear if I had to listen to someone like me everyday of the week I think i'd hit them such a slap that they wouldnt be able to talk and i wouldn't have to listen to their bullshit, but I do love Sarah(: She's on of the few people I trust these days.
13.I love random phonecalls with Stacey singing Lionel Richie and Neil Diamond down the phone to each other, they always make me laugh.
14.I've made soooo many mistakes in the past it's not even funny and i'm only 17?! i'd hate to see the amount of mistakes I'd have made when i'm 27.
15.I don't think I'd like someone reading through my blog....I never actually knew what you put in a blog..but I thought they were supposed to be personal not broadcasted all over the honestly never know who could be readin it, but sure fuck it.
16.I hate my laugh and I hate my smile, they make me look and sound like a five year old.
17.I love sitting at home on my own with no body else in the house blaring old music and singing along, it's probably my favourite past time, even though I haven't got a note in my head.
18.There's a guy who lives across from me and whenever me and Maria pass his house we have a habbit of looking into his wouldn't blame us if you saw him though....but we noticed that he actually has his blinds pulled down everyday we walk past now.....I reckon his girlfriend hates us. Thats not really a fact about me, but I thought I'd just throw it in anyway....take up a bit of space, yano?!
19.I'm really paranoid....I always think that people are talking or bitching about me, I don't know why....they probably don't even be talking bout me or bitching about me but then again they probably would be.
20.I hate eating around people, I just hate people watching me eat, it's so fucking annoying and they're just looking at'd think they'd look at somethin else though, its like they've never fucking seen a person eat before?! I just hate people lookin at me when I'm eating.
21.Shane from Wales is amazing, and yeahh he told me to write that so I did because I'm honesltly runnin out of things to say and it is a weeeee bit true, I can't wait to get locked with him in town :D.
22.I have a habbit of saying "ah" "very nice" "like" and just right now I realised I say "honestly" too much aswell ha....btw I think I'm spelling habbit wrong, i dunno wether it's spelt habbit or "b" doesnt really make a difference though does it? It still sounds the same either way you spell it.
23.I sleep farrr too much, mainly at school, I sleep in most classes....I don't even be tired most the time, I just sleep.
24.I don't understand the point of blogs? I mean, I could just as easily think the stuff in my head instead of typin it out....effort of it, my fingers are even sore typin now ha ahwell i'll still end up usin this, I can guarantee you it won't last more then a month, I get bored easily:).
25.You do not realise how happy I am now that I've gotten to the last point, I think I've changed alot lately....I don't know if thats a goood thing....I'm so cheeky and immature at times, I love it:D